Alexey Moskvin

Past Projects


10 Billion

In this nocturnal photographs of forest, I wanted to create a romantic vision of our destructive innocence. The magical qualities of the human presence and the beauty and futility of intention produces a haunting, intricate dance. The quiet balance is fragile and only exists for a moment brought to life by beams of artificial light.

Exhibited at The Friary (2012)

'Our house is invisible. Its light is unique to it: Its light is our eyes' Nikos Stangos

The Place I am Not

Behind the multitude of anonymous windows and doorways past which we hurry are the dwellings of the millions of people we shall never know. Yet each of these are the places which individuals call home, however transitory it may be. There we harbour our dreams, live out our sorrows and joys.'

Part of 'The Golden City' exhibition, curated by Lynn MacRitchie, Denizhan Ozer, Akbank Art Centre (2009). Essay by Christine Lindey.



The idea for the project has its roots in the Russian expression ‘to be suspended’ which means uncertainty, not knowing what to do, confusion.

Part of '10' exhibition, curated by Meruyert Kalieva, Westbourne Studios (2008), 'Condensation', curated by Robson Ceasar, Decima Gallery (2008)

'...memory is not an instrument for exploring the past, but rather its medium.' Walter Benjamin

Medium Memory

It is the medium of that which is experienced, just as the earth is the medium in which ancient cities are buried.

‘Picture of Innocence’ Anne Higonnet


When we mourn the passing of childhood, we are really mourning our own passing, the inevitable end of all lives in death.

Exhibited at Well Gallery (2005), Untitled Gallery (2005)

'Collections, the Self and the World' S. Pearce

I am What I Own

The exploration of the link between identity and material possessions and, in particular, how we express, maintain and reinforce our identity through the objects we acquire over the life time.


Suspended Animation

The project was done in collaboration with Judith Lyons and Julia Curtin

Incorporating freeze-frames from Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film, “The Shining”, as well as photographs of props and costumes used in the film, the images reflect the artists’ personal response to Kubrick’s film and to the physical conditions of The Kubrick Archive.

Exhibited at the RItzy Cinema (2008)


Berlin Arts

Space seemed to be not an issue in Berlin at all. There is simply lots of it. And artworks are allocated according their needs, allowed to have their space and can breathe easily. Therefore there is a different feel and approach to work from both artists and audience.

Please find the full article on The Great Tate Mod Blog

'Spin' Vito Acconci

15 Minutes

I took an image every 15 minutes for 2 days, trying to make the process simply mechanical and let time be the thread of the project. I tried to be an assistant of the camera, rather than somebody who selects and controls composition - a photographer. I tried to be a spectator, rather than an author.

Produced as a book.



My first conscious project